Top 3 Gourmet Raw Diet Recipes
Highly Recommended for Experimentation!

Here are my absolute, top 3, highly recommended gourmet raw diet recipes. (Well, at the moment it’s a top 3, but as time goes by it’ll become a top 5, then top 10...I’ll make you a deal already and stop at 20!)
These are the ones to pull out of your hat when dedicated carnivores are coming for dinner – they’ll leave the table so satisfied that they won’t even need to ask the dreaded, “Are we having steak with that?”
Although I experiment with inventing my own simple and
easy raw food recipes
I go to the experts for gourmet. I’ve been testing recipes for years! Trust me, although many are brilliant, some raw living food recipes simply don’t live up to their marketing hype.
All of these gourmet raw diet recipes do take quite a bit of effort in the kitchen. Read the recipes thoroughly before you start, make sure you do the preparation if there is sprouting, dehydrating or marinating involved, and give yourself the time necessary to enjoy the creative process. You’ll feel so proud, and your tastebuds will bless you for making the journey!
#1 Raw Pizza – The Raw Food Coach. I’m talking number one by a looonng way here! Don’t be put off by the number of preparation stages or the extensive ingredient list. This recipe will give your tongue a buzz that you will not believe. Even though it takes a lot of work you will be very eager to do it all over again once you’ve tried this best ever raw food pizza recipe. (Click on ‘Karen’s Kitchen’ from the left navigation bar and scroll down until you find Karen’s Famous Raw Pizza Recipe on the list.)
#2 Foodista's Raw Tacos with Raw Sour Cream Apart from coffee, sour cream is my other MAJOR non-raw temptation... I was relieved to find this filler from Foodista that helped scratch the itch. I've used both lettuce leaves and dehydrated tacos with the recipe and both are fabulous.
#3 The Sunny Raw Kitchen's Spinach Velvet Cream Pizza You can use the spinach velvet as a dip or a raw quiche filling too.
Know any fabulous raw diet recipes?
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