Best Weight Loss Plan
Tips for Eating Healthy and Losing Weight
The best weight loss plan is to focus on developing healthy eating habits for the long term. Here are 5 healthy weight loss tips that will inspire you to take manageable steps towards a healthy and maintainable weight.
Think in positives
Set yourself positive health goals instead of thinking in terms of negatives. Rather than depriving yourself of certain foods, or making rules for yourself that start with “Don’t...”, think about what you DO want to achieve.
For example, positive health goals might look like this:
- I will boost my energy and immunity levels.
- I will become stronger.
- I will create healthy eating habits.
- I will increase my fitness and strength.
- I will provide my body with the healthiest fuel and nutrients possible.
Weight loss then becomes a side-effect of a positive health goal.
One healthy eating habit at a time
It’s common for people wanting to lose weight to throw themselves into a completely revised eating regime. Whether they’re following a particular diet or cutting out all fatty or sugary foods, people often bite off more than they can chew. These well-meant commitments often don’t last past the first few weeks. It’s very difficult to maintain the momentum and commitment when you suddenly and radically change your diet.
Eating habits that add healthy foods and nutrients to your existing diet can help you edge out and replace bad habits gradually. If you take it easy and ensure each new healthy habit is established before focusing on the next one, you’ll reach your weight loss goal more slowly than you may have planned but at least you’ll actually reach it. And when you get there, you’re more likely to be able to maintain it.
For example, a progression of
healthy eating habits
to build on the best weight loss plan might look like this:
- Start every day with a green smoothie. You don’t have to skip your usual breakfast, but you’ll find that once your green smoothie habit gets established you eat breakfast later or not at all.
- Add 1-2 pieces of fresh fruit to your green smoothie breakfast. This will gradually push your coffee and toast routine out even further until perhaps it even replaces your morning tea of cakes and biscuits.
- Drink two litres of fresh water or herbal tea each day.
- Eat a vegetable salad before one of your other main meals (lunch or dinner). You can still eat your regular meal, but finish your vegetable salad first. You’ll eat less of your usual main, and eventually a large vegetable salad will replace one of those meals each day.
It takes about 30 days to establish a permanent habit, so don’t expect to stick to these changes overnight. It’s also easier mentally to stick to a healthy eating goal for just 30 days – then by the time the 30 days is up your healthy eating has become a self-perpetuating habit that is easier to sustain.
Make an effort
It can’t all just come to you without some effort from your side. You’ll have to do some research and find new recipes and food combinations that appeal to you. Your body is unique, and so are your taste buds, so you’ll have to find out for yourself what healthy foods you like best, and which have the most positive impact on your health and well-being.
Many people complain that healthy eating is boring, but if you eat the same salad day after day of course it will get tedious. Experiment with different food combinations, salad dressings, exotic fruits and vegetables. On the other hand, if you have a favourite healthy food that makes every meal palatable for you (e.g. I love avocado in every salad I eat) it’s ok to include it often. The best weight loss plan in the world won't last for long unless you enjoy what you're eating.
Check out superfoods that give you an energy boost, such as maca, chia and spirulina. You know what your lifestyle requirements are, and you can find superfoods that are well suited to your needs. Try them out in your smoothies and salads and see what works for you. It’s a good idea to keep a diary of your body and mind’s responses so that you can work out your best superfood matches.
Beware quick weight loss tips that promise miracles overnight – long term weight loss isn’t easy. You’re going to have to put energy into reaching your healthy eating goals. Maintaining a positive attitude is vital for the best weight loss plan to succeed. Being proactive about the healthy food choices you make helps you to maintain your momentum.
Take advantage of your health
After topping up your body with nutrients and powering up your energy levels, why sit around and let it go to waste? Get out there and enjoy your health. Try new activities, get moving, participate in life, be adventurous. Your more positive outlook and moods, increased strength and energy, heightened concentration and alertness and strong sense of well-being will empower you for life.
The best weight loss plan in the world won't work unless you also get your body moving.
Now tackle your unhealthy addictions
Now that you’re feeling healthy, energised and enjoying life, you have the strength and motivation to tackle any less healthy addictions that haven’t already been eliminated by your healthy food habits. You’re already well on the way, so cutting down on alcohol, fats, sugars and caffeine is easier. This doesn’t mean you start making rules that start with “Never...” – but finally ‘sometimes’ foods can really become just that, food for some of the time, not every day.
The best weight loss plan snowball...
Healthy eating habits provide a solid foundation for going the last little way to perfect health. It’s like a snowball. Once you start feeling healthier, you won’t want to let go of the gains you’ve made. At the same time you’ll be inspired to go further towards excellent health. The best weight loss plan is to make excellent health your primary goal.
Rather than wasting time and energy dieting, try building a healthy eating habit like juicing for weight loss. It's a great way to pump your body with the goodness that it deserves, and you'll love how amazing it makes you feel.
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