Foods to Detoxify the Body
A List of the Best Detox Diet Foods and Herbs

You can easily find foods to detoxify the body in your fridge or herb garden. You’ll be surprised to learn that some of the best detox diet foods are very common. Maybe you’ll discover your regular favourites, such as grapes and berries, are already helping detoxify your body naturally.
There are also more than twenty detoxification herbs available that make an ideal addition to any detoxification regime. Take a look at the options and supplement your
detoxification plan
with a herbal body cleanse.
Generally speaking, a healthy detoxification diet should include a large proportion of fresh fruits and vegetables as well as including many of these specific foods to detoxify the body. Avoid eating fatty, sugary or highly processed foods. Also avoid dairy products, alcohol and caffeine.
Drink plenty of water. A great detoxification habit is to drink a glass of warm water and lemon juice first thing each morning.
Foods to Detoxify the Body
Beetroot: excellent blood cleanser, rich in nutrients, use leaves and roots
Berries: high in antioxidants, cleanse and purify system, moderate sugar content that helps smooth blood-sugar imbalances
Broccoli: natural superfood, high in antioxidants
Figs: highly alkaline fruit
Grapes: strong cleansing properties, high in antioxidants (but not vitamins)
Green leafy vegetables: high in chlorophyll, highly alkaline, draw out heavy metals and chemicals from your system
Lemon juice and warm water: helps clear colon
Olives: highly alkaline fruit
Oranges: highly alkaline fruit
Papaya: highly alkaline fruit
highly alkaline superfood, high in nutrients, excellent detoxifier
Watercress: cleanses blood, aid digestion, high in vitamins A and C
Wheatgrass: potent detoxifier, high chlorophyll content
Herbal Body Cleanse
If you have any of these herbs in your garden you can make your own
herbal teas
at home. Please check this reference on the
safe use of herbs,
especially if you're pregnant, have thyroid problems or are planning to provide herbal remedies to children.
Borage:purifies system, mix with basil to assist kidneys and bladder, tea made from leaves
Caraway: cleanses system, increases activity of liver and glands, benefits liver and digestion, tea made from crushed seeds
Chervil: purifies blood, helps kidneys
Chicory: helps rid body of excess fluids, good for liver and gall bladder, has laxative properties, roasted and ground roots can be used as a coffee substitute
Cleavers: eases kidney complaints (don’t use if you’re diabetic)
Comfrey: cleanses bloodstream
Cress: purifies blood, tea made from leaves
Dandelion: cleanses and rejuvenates liver, detoxifies blood, good liver tonic, stimulates urinary organs, treats urinary disorders, removes waste from body, good for
alcohol detox,
dried ground roots are a good coffee substitute
Elderflower: purifies blood
Heartsease: purifies blood
Lovage: expels toxins from body, cleanses and stimulates digestive system, tea made from leaves, seeds or roots (don’t use if you’re pregnant or have liver problems)
Marjoram: eases indigestion and stomach pains, tea made from leaves
Marigold: benefits gall bladder and liver, soothes inflammation of digestive tract, tea made from petals
Milk thistle: cleanses and rejuvenates liver, aids digestion, keeps liver functioning at peak, good for
alcohol detox,
one of the top
liver detoxification herbs,
removes waste from body, grind seeds to release salycin content
eases indigestion and stomach pains, tea made from leaves
Parsley: assists bladder, kidneys and liver, high in nutrients, tea made from leaves (don’t use if you’re pregnant)
Peppermint: cleanses intestines, eases indigestion and stomach pains, tea made from leaves
Red Clover: helps detoxify lymph system, rich in proteins and minerals, tea made from flower heads
aids digestion, helps kidneys
high in anti-oxidants, good liver tonic, mix with lemon balm to aid digestion and ease stomach problems, tea made from leaves
Savoury: intestinal antiseptic, tea made from
Slippery Elm Bark: heals mucous membranes of stomach and intestines, gelatinous mixture made from powdered inner bark of slippery elm tree
intestinal antiseptic, tea made from leaves
Foods to Detoxify the Body - A List of the Best Detox Diet Foods and Herbs
Foods to Detoxify the Body - A List of the Best Detox Diet Foods and Herbs