Alcohol Detox Smoothie Recipe

Use healthy foods to detoxify the body

alcohol detox smoothie

This alcohol detox smoothie recipe contains a daily dosage of milk thistle seeds, vital for the healthy regeneration of your liver. Using a solid combination of cleansing foods to detoxify the body of alcohol, this smoothie can be used to recover after a night of over-indulgence or to support a longer term alcohol detox programme.

It also contains plenty of berries, which are moderately sweet fruits that help level out the sugar imbalances commonly suffered by people who drink too much alcohol. Bananas top up potassium and magnesium levels and provide tryptophan for generating serotonin, an essential mood regulating chemical. Water of jelly coconut is rich in electrolytes which will rehydrate and energise your body, directly nourishing your digestive system. Coconut water also contributes alkalinity to your body, enabling you to efficiently detoxify your system.

Eating this combination of foods to detoxify the body in liquid form makes it easier for the body to absorb and assimilate valuable nutrients. The sooner you start feeling healthier the better!

Alcohol Detox Smoothie Recipe

  • 2 cups of berries (fresh or frozen)
  • Water and flesh of a jelly coconut
  • 2 ripe bananas
  • 2 tablespoons of milk thistle seeds
  • 250ml water (optional)


  1. Grind milk thistle seeds in a coffee grinder or good blender.
  2. Cut open the top of the jelly coconut and place its milk and flesh in your blender.
  3. Add ground seeds, bananas and berries to the blender.
  4. Blend for 30 seconds or until thoroughly liquidised.
  5. Add water until your smoothie reaches the consistency you prefer.

alcohol detox icecream


  • If you need to, use a can of organic coconut milk instead of the fresh jelly coconut to make it easier for yourself.
  • You can use frozen bananas and berries to make this mixture more like an ice cream (don’t add any extra water.)
  • Try to drink the entire smoothie over the course of a day. If there are left-overs the mixture freezes well as icy poles or ice cubes.
  • Milk thistle seeds are one of the best foods to detoxify the body, but other alternatives include dandelion and chicory root. Liver detoxification herbs can be purchased in tincture form so that you can simply add drops to your smoothies or juices. For many people, this is more convenient than grinding milk thistle seeds or making their own tinctures at home.

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